Celebrating 30 Years!

Support our cause — Please donate $20 for a T-shirt, sizes S,M,L

Making life better for all beings.

Mission Statement: Coalition for Animals (CFA) is a 501 (c) (3), a statewide non-profit organization with a mission for all people to “Evolve to Non-Violence”. We promote compassion, respect and protection of all sentient creatures, human and animal, wild and domestic, local and global. We advocate for a humane lifestyle, the end of man’s domination of animals and sharing the environment in peace and harmony.

Come and shop at the Weis Market in Hillsborough, NJ in May to support the Paws for Pets Campaign 2024!

Dear Animal Friends ~ We held our 2022 and 2023 Holiday Petography with Santa at Tractor Supply in Hillsborough. Thank you for your help to make these events a success. We hold our fundraisers to help our non-human friends in need. We look forward to seeing you again December 7, 2024.